151 thoughts on “FAQ

  1. Hello! I just got a wig in that I’d ordered and it’s a bit darker than I thought it was based on the picture. I was just wondering what the wigs are compatible with in terms of ways to lighten/lift the color?

    1. There’s not really a way to lighten the wigs, sorry. They can be dyed with Rit Dye More but for making them lighter they’re colorfast- we left one in a bucket of bleach for three days once, as a test, and the color didn’t budge any paler.

  2. Hi there! I was wondering which red weft color matches your Darkside of the Dawn wig? I’ve had my eye on it for a while but wanna place the order for both at once so I’ve held off.

    Thanks so much for your time!

  3. not sure where to ask, but is there any buying options for a white base wig with only one long ponytail clip included? i see theres a white base wig with two ponytails, but nothing for if i needed only one long clip. ty !

  4. Hello there! I was looking into purchasing a new wig from you for a more regal-style cosplay and I noticed your adorable bun attachments. I was really sad to see they only come in three colors currently. Is there any chance a varient in white hair is going to come out in the next year or so? I’d love to get one, it would save me so much time with styling, and the braiding on it was so pretty. Could you please let me know if that would be possible? Thank you either way, have a nice day!

    1. We’re gonna make a note of your request for a braided bun in white. If we get multiple requests for the same style we will probably stock it. 🙂

  5. Would you guys be willing to post swatches of all the colors of the wefts? I dont follow the names very well and itd be easier to find the correct colors ya know?

  6. Hi!! I saw you guys had a wig for Yuu Nishinoya from Haikyuu!! a couple of years back but it doesn’t seem to be in stock anymore :[ was it discontinued?

  7. was just wondering what currency your prices are in, I have no idea whether they automatically change to my currency.

  8. I’m interested in buying the Super High School Lucky guy wig and I was wondering if it would be restocked soon? Or at least in the next few months?

    1. Yes, we are definitely restocking that wig soon as it is super popular! We are hoping to have it back in March. If you are signed up for our email newsletter (link in sidebar) you’ll get a notification about restocks as soon as they happen.

  9. Hello! I’ll be attending Katsucon this year. Do you take order/style requests at all? I’d like to be able to pick up a wig at your booth.

  10. Would you consider doing wigs for Promare? I’m having a hard time finding a color for the character Lio

  11. What wig would you recommend for a Professor Henry Hidgens cosplay? (from the musical, The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals)

  12. are you going to be getting the scarlet witch type wigs back in stock soon? I remember you having one or two that were labeled that could work for her.

  13. Hi there! I’m planning to put in an order for around 6-10 wigs online, still deliberating the exact number though. Is it possible to get a discount for online bulk orders?

    1. If you order at least 10 wigs shipped to the same address, we have a 30% off deal. It’s usually been cosplay groups who have done this. If you’d like to do this bulk order, email us (thefivewitswigs@gmail.com) with the wigs you want and the address they should go to and we can invoice you through Paypal, as the website will not automatically give you this discount.

  14. Hey!
    Planning to cosplay Kazuma Kiryu from Yakuza and looking around for wigs, think the Black Steel Rhinestone Entree or Hall Monitor Moral Brows would work with some styling? (And for the first one, when do you expect it back in stock?)

    1. They would! Either’s fine for him, it’s just a matter of if you want to deal with lacefronts or not. Luckily, the lacefront Black Steel will be back in the next week!

      1. hi
        Can you confirm if order #17030 has shipped? It was placed yesterday Priority Mail and your site stated it would process shipment today by 2 p.m. but I haven’t received a confirmation? I also sent numerous emails and a Facebook message if you could reply to the email please as I’m not sure how to get back to this comment section. Thank you

        1. Yep! It was shipped out on the 9th, the day after we received the order. I sent an email to your email address entitled ‘Your order has shipped!’ Maybe it got stuck in your spam folder?
          The tracking number included in that email when checked on USPS.com, says that it was delivered to your town the next day. Have you checked with roommates or relatives to see if one of them grabbed it by accident?

  15. How offten do you restock your wigs? I am interested in buying My Beloved Peasant Village but it’s out of stock at the moment and I was wondering if it’ll be restocked soon. 🙂

    1. We restock around once a month. The restock for that wig is expected in early October. So not too long! If you want to know right away when we have a restock, you can subscribe to our email newsletter.

  16. Hi there! I’m curious if its possible to volunteer at your guys booth at conventions and how to go about it sometime? Asking for myself and a friend.

  17. Do you still do the point reward system? I’ve never gotten any points and I’ve bought three wigs from this account. Also are points transferable from other accounts? I accidentally ordered a wig using a different account since I forgot I had an account at one point. Thanks!

    1. Hi! I checked your account and it looks like those three wigs were ordered last year. We only debuted our points system about two weeks ago! So any wigs you order from here on out will earn points. If you do need to close one account and transfer any existing points in it to another account, please email us at thefivewitswigs at gmail.com with the info for each account and we can take care of that. Thanks!

  18. Hi, do you have suggestions for a Peter Parker (Spider-Man Homecoming) wig?

  19. Hi! I plan to purchase many of your wigs when I attend AX this summer, I’m thinking 5-10 of them (though it depends how much money I can save for the con between now and then). I was wondering if you happen to have a discount for big orders? Thank you for your time!

    1. Let me check on that and get back to you. We used to have a discount for cosplay groups that ordered 10 or more wigs at the same time, but I’m not sure if that’s still in place on not.

    1. Hmm, we’ll have to think on that one. The James wig also works for Trunks from DBZ. Can you think of any other characters who have the same hair as Jessie?

      Your request is noted! We do keep track of how many people request specific wigs in order to decide which ones to carry.

  20. Hi! I was wondering if you bring all of your wigs to cons? I’m going to be attending Anime Expo and wanted to buy some wigs, but they aren’t the most popular styles of yours so I’m not sure if they will be in stock at con. Thanks!

      1. I was thinking about Super Player Game Over (maybe), Super Ultimate Despair High, Psychic Maiden Fire Shrine, Crimson Shinigami Explosion (x2), and Outrageous Boots Rawk Kiss (in terms of what your less common styles seem to be?).

  21. After you buy a wig, are you allowed to dye it afterwards? Say you have a plain white wig, but you need to add a strip of color (say orange) for a cosplay. Would it damage the wig? Is there a certain way you have to dye it in order for it to work/not damage the wig?

    1. Of course you can dye it! It shouldn’t damage the wig if you’re using wig dye or sharpie dye. You can probably find some very helpful tutorials on best ways to dye wigs on cosplay.com or other cosplay forums.

  22. I ordered the “I’ll form the head” wig on Sunday, and haven’t seemed to have gotten the conformation email yet? I was wondering if it’d have been shipped out by now.

    1. Nope! I send confirmations after the wig is shipped, as that’s when I get the tracking number. Your Saturday order will be shipped today, as you ordered on the weekend, when we can’t ship wigs, and yesterday (we normally ship weekend orders on Monday) was a postal holiday.

  23. Hey, I just sent an email about cancelling my order. I’m not sure which is checked faster. Hoping it can be canceled before a shipping label is made so it can be fully refunded.

  24. Hey! I’ve been trying to cancel an order since Friday and no one has been answering me or my emails, is there a reason for that?

  25. Is your Nia wig gone? It’s still one of your display photos but I can’t find it listed anywhere 🙁

    1. We discontinued it from normal sale, but have one left that was used for display and try-ons. It’s got a bit of wear on the base of the neck, so we could sell it to you for $30 if you still wanted it.
      Which display photo is it still in?

      1. If you click on “shop by color” it’s still the display photo for multicolored wigs. And thanks! My current one has the same issue so unless it’s really minor on yours I’ll probably just deal with it. Sad it’s been discontinued though, it was such a pretty wig!

  26. Would you be able to tell me how long Star Soldier Meme King is, or if it’s the same length as Erebor Archer Elf Fancier? Thank you so much!

  27. Hi~,
    I’m planning on cosplaying as Monoma Neito -from BnHA ofc- for an upcoming con but can’t seem to find the right wig. I don’t want it to be too yellow looking but not too milky like Bakugo’s either and I really love the wigs here! Not a lot of people cosplay him so it’s kind of difficult to find a wig. Is there anything you would recommend? Thanks!

      1. I thing I would need longer one – something in the leng of the Art Bomb Zodiac Star one, because I originally planed to clip it on the front of my head over my own hair and make short ponytail on the end. Do you have come photo? Maybe I can braid/tied my hair somehow and add this ponytail

  28. Quick question:
    You offer the “Bright Side Smile Power” wig with one pony tail. Is there any way i can get 2? I am trying to cosplay Cho Cho Akimichi (Boruto). Any other suggestions would be cool too!

    1. I think for that request, if you order the wig and include a note to sender saying you want the extra ponytail, we can mail a second one and then invoice you an extra $5 through the PayPal account you use to order for the cost of it.

  29. HI, I’m making a cosplay of Pearl from Steven Universe and need a wig. I am debating between Relentless Chika Bam Pow and Mysterious Kawaii Idol Princess. Of the two wigs, which one is thicker? Which one would be easier to spike? Thanks!

  30. Hello do you have any widows peak wigs? It doesn’t matter on color because it will be black in the edge game, thank you!

  31. My timezone is different, due to me being in Australia and having odd schedules, so I missed the latest restock of your Shiro wig.

    I’m in no huge rush to get it, I have no pressing deadlines to cosplay Shiro, unlike some others may – I just want to cosplay him eventually because he means alot to me, but I saw above you mentioned it takes 6-8 weeks to restock, is this the same for ones that go out of stock as fast as this one?

    Also, I’m looking for a wig that I can style in a particular way – The best example off the top of my head of the style I’m aiming to do would be sort of like the hairstyle of Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto, except curly on the top and spiked at the bottom –

    (For the character seen in this sketch > http://pre14.deviantart.net/4639/th/pre/f/2017/091/5/d/ever_get_kissed_by_the_pear_you_re_trying_to_eat__by_luckypawpads-db48vco.png )

    – And in a rather pale colour, as the characters hair is a blond very light its kind of toeing between Flaxen and white. Is there any you could recommend that’d be hardy enough to style this weird do?

    1. It is the same! We’re expecting it back in July, and if you sign up for the newsletter you can be informed when it restocks. There’s a signup form on the main page of this site and on our Facebook page.

      It would take a lot of styling on your part, but either Holy Queen Of Tarts or Bro Fist Ninja Pants might be a good start.

  32. I’m not sure if it’s in a comment before, but is it possible to buy a wig and pick it up at one of the cons I’m attending that you guys are stopping at? Or is their a way to know which wigs you bringing to the con? Or do you usually bring all the wigs you have?

    1. We usually bring all the wigs currently in stock. We can set aside wigs for you at a particular show to buy there- which style were you after, and at what convention?

      1. Okay, awesome. It was the Doctor Sweetie Spoiler Blonde wig. I’ll be attending Animenext, and would be able to pick it up that Friday.

  33. It’s absolutly amazing how just one wig can be sold out in only a week. Your Shiro Voltron wig is quite popular. I was going to buy it but it’s sold out. Then I got a message from a friend that it was back in but I didn’t have the money. So I just got the money again and the wig is sold out. Is there a time when it’ll be back in again? Thanks

  34. Not that I think a lot of people come through looking for wigs of this guy, but I just thought I’d mention that the Elegant Shadow Evergreen Lock base wig would work for Soren from “Fire Emblem”.

  35. Joining the bandwagon here, but when do you think the ‘I’ll Form the Head’ wig will be back in stock?

    1. I’ll Form The Head is back in stock! Please do hurry- last time we had it in stock it was sold out within a few hours! We can’t guarantee anyone a wig, so secure your order as soon as you can.
      After this batch is sold, our next shipment won’t be available until February. If you aren’t able to grab one this time around, just reply back to this asking to be put back on the list to be alerted next time.

  36. Hey, so it looks like someone already asked about the Shiro wig and you said it would be restocked in December. Do you happen to know whether that will be early, mid, or late December?

  37. Hi,

    I just ordered a wig and was looking at the receipt when I saw that the billing address and the shipping address had two different states! How do I go about fixing this? >~<

    Thank you so much!

    1. I’ll Form The Head is back in stock! Please do hurry- last time we had it in stock it was sold out within a few hours! We can’t guarantee anyone a wig, so secure your order as soon as you can.
      After this batch is sold, our next shipment won’t be available until February. If you aren’t able to grab one this time around, just reply back to this asking to be put back on the list to be alerted next time.

  38. Hello!
    A wig that I was thinking of buying just went out of stock (the Awkward Trenchcoat Angel Intensity) and I need it for a cosplay in November. Will you be having them back in stock and if so, when?

  39. Hello!. I’m currently looking for a Nishinoya Yū from the Anime series Haikyuu! wig. I was wondering if you’d have any suggestions or if you’d be willing to look into stocking it? I’ve purchased a wig previously from here and love the quality of it I would love to be able to do so again.

    Thank You!.

  40. What do I do if my odango came unraveled? I’ve never had a wig before and don’t know how to style anything.

  41. I’m looking for a wigs for Zidane from Final Fantasy IX & Naruto Uzumaki from Naruto. Do you have any wig recommendations for these characters?

  42. Hello.
    The wig I would like comes in an unusual color (the perfect color, but unusual nonetheless), and it doesn’t look like it’s thick enough for what I want to do with it. So I was wondering, is there any way to purchase extra wefts for wigs? I would buy them elsewhere, but I’ll never find a perfect color match.

    1. Sadly, we don’t sell wefts. Sorry! If it’s a wig that’s sold with ponytails, though, you can extract the wefts from those and sew them into your main wig.

  43. Hello! I’m looking for a wig for Sailor Uranus. Do you have any wig recommendations for Haruka Tenou (Sailor Uranus) from Sailor Moon?

  44. Hello! I apologize if this is a dumb question, but is it possible to order a different color of a wig? There’s a wig you have here that’s the perfect style and length that I need! However it’s not the right color.

    1. Hi! Not a dumb question at all! It depends on the wig, there are some styles that we do have in different colors. However, for the majority of our wigs, we do not as each wig is usually made for a specific character. We could see about getting you a wig in a different color, but we might not be able to. Or we might have a very similar wig in the color you are wanting. Which wig style are you wanting, and in what color are you wanting it in?

  45. Are your wigs dye-able? if so, which dying method works best (rit dye, ipoly dye, sharpie/alcohol, etc.,)?

  46. I’m looking for a wig to use while cosplaying as Marty McFly, what would you suggest?
    Thanks in advance,

  47. Hello friend/s~ Im looking into cosplaying Tretij Rebenok/Kid Mantis from MGSV. Yall stay with those top quality wigs so Im hoping to buy somethin from yall thats similar tysm :’>

  48. Hi! I’m looking to cosplay Mettaton from the game Undertale for a convention this January; do you have anything that you think will work for him? I’m not afraid of cutting or styling, so some recommendations would be nice. c:

  49. Hello everyone!
    I am thinking of cosplaying as everyone’s favortite pervy sage Jiraiya! But I am in need of some help finding the perfect wig for Anime USA in Oct. Is there any suggestions as to what wig I can purchase? I’m kinda new to styling, but not afraid to try 🙂

    Thanks in advance!!

  50. Hi there,

    I may need to return my wig I just received today. I haven’t worn it, but its little tag fell off when I had taken it out to look at it. Is that okay?


  51. Hello,

    I purchased a wig from The Five Wits Wigs at AnimeNEXT in Somerset, NJ this past weekend, and after reviewing the online catalog I’d like to exchange the wig I purchased for simething I feel will fit my character better. Can I return/exchange the wig I purchased at the Con this weekend though the online store? I purchased Art Bomb Zodiac Star and I’d like to exchange it for Blondie’s Moving Chocolate Obsession. I don’t mind paying any necessary shipping costs. I paid cash at the convention and didn’t recieve a receipt. The wig hasn’t been worn.

    Thank you
    Shirley Lester

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