Grab Bag (1 wig + wig cap)

(5 customer reviews)


Only 2 left in stock

SKU: 23135100 Category:


It's the return of our popular wig grab bags! Each contains one surprise wig and a wig cap. Wigs in grab bags are the same quality you expect from us, and are drawn from styles we're discontinuing or have overstocked on, prototypes that never made it all the way to full production, styles that ended up a different color than we intended… you get the picture. Great for when you want a wig, cheap, and aren't particular about the style or color. Value of each grab bag is $33-$63.

Additional information

Weight 1.00 lbs

5 reviews for Grab Bag (1 wig + wig cap)

  1. NerdyCoffeebean (verified owner)

    When cons were on hold, this brought some of that con nostalgia. I loved the wigs I received. Thank you for doing this!

  2. Sahmka Padvanus (verified owner)

    I got a wig that was technically supposed to have two ponytail clips with it, (bathtime loli ruffle encounter) but didn’t. I figured the lack of clips was due to the description of the grab bag. But seeing that someone else got their clips back in May I’m a bit confused. Was I supposed to get one? Or is this intentionally without one cause it’s a prototype or something? It’s a super cute wig and I love the base. I’m just confused as to whether I should have expected the whole thing.

    • The Five Wits

      Hello! The content of our grab bags frequently changes based on what we have in stock, so sometimes the bags contain tails or other wig accessories, and sometimes they contain wig caps. We didn’t have any extra tails left for the wig you got, but I’ve since found a pair: if you’d like we could send you them. Let us know what you’d like!

  3. GoodMorning (verified owner)

    I liked this grab bag so much the first time I got it that as soon as I saw that it was back in stock I rushed to get another one. Unfortunately, I didn’t see that they updated their description (my bad) to say that the grab bag no longer included random accessories, and instead, the main wig now comes with a wig cap, so the overall value has dropped. Given that the wig I got is great, and it was still only $20, I would probably still think of this as a 5 star product if the promised wig cap actually came in my order, but it was conspicuously absent, so while I actually really like the short pink wig that came, and I still recommend The Five Wits Wigs overall, I will likely not buy this again.

    • The Five Wits

      Hey, thank you for the feedback! You didn’t do anything wrong; I’ve edited the title of the page so it’s easier to tell what people are getting in the current version of the bag. The missing wig cap was a mistake on my part though, so I’m sending off a wig cap to the same address you ordered from for free. Sorry about that!

  4. GoodMorning (verified owner)

    Very fun, and an interesting creative challenge. If you’re the type to collect many wig pieces for various cosplays it’s definitely worth it, especially since the quality of the wig pieces is so good. If you’re worried about value, the wig I got alone is $35 elsewhere on the site, and would have been worth the money if I was buying specifically for that cosplay. Highly recommend.

  5. fulltimemonarch (verified owner)

    I got a short base wig and two ponytail clips. I plan on transforming it into a kanao tsuyuri/aoi kanzaki wig. First time ordering for The Five Wits, fibers are very soft and manageable, minimal shedding! Only thing I would wish (this doesn’t affect the rating at all) is that the items were more cohesive, but I do like the challenge of creativity! Will definitely buy from TFWW again! 🙂

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